Friday, September 4, 2009

Semi urban reaction for a FGD on women reprodcutive health

To begin, actually I do not know from where to begin the story but I remember Sonia (my boss) saying Tapti whenever you visit a field you get to know 'the truth.'
Agarpara was an eye opener. Never thought things could be so bad. People don't use condoms - They know about it but they will not use.
When ladies entered the room for discussion, I was appalled by what they were wearing - gaudy saris with well pleated pallus, make - up etc. I was amazed. During the FGD, I realised, it is like a picnic or a high society get together for them.
Interesting, that if two or more women came for FGD, and they belong to the same family, they will not open their mouth. KEEP SHUT must be an instruction given before leaving home or they are scared, may be one among them will ditch.
They have to be pursued for everything. Talking, laughing, chatting, interacting but they were natural when they had to mock each other.
The most talkative dominated the discussion but it was the silent ones who said a lot. The not so talkative ones where most important because when they opened their mouth, it helped to end the FGDs on a good/ fruitful note.
Some were excited as they were getting the limelight others kept quiet because ???? strings attached. But the innocence in their eyes cannot be forgotten as some kind of socio- economic force asked them to join in this discussion.
Well this is not the official feedback but just wanted to pen down my thoughts and thought of sharing with all of you.
Indeed a rollercoaster ride.

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