Sunday, December 7, 2008


Today, if we go to a peace march, the people demand war with Pakistan. Civilians praising the army and blaming Pakistan for the terror attacks. have we ever though, if these army men come to power then what might happen to our DEMOCRACY? The terrorists had links in Pakistan, but, will war help to prevent these terrorist attacks in India?
Our National Security Guards and the army helped the hostages to evacuate from Taj, Oberoi, and Nariman House, and also killed nine terrorists. Police played an important role. They were active for sixty hours.
The terrorists took the sea route to enter Mumbai and what were the Coast Guards doing? They were not aware of the fact that a rubber boat was hijacked and all its Indian sailors were killed. They were in the Arabian Sea for more than twenty four hours and yet, the Coast Guards could not find them. After their successful landing, they stayed in Cuffe Parade, some say for five hours or five days. Yet, our police could not find them. On 26th November, 2008, Wednesday, the final attack took place in Mumbai. There were many killed in CST, Taj, Oberoi, Nariman House. Why? No security, no guns to defend the innocent people. There were internal fight among the officials about under whose jurisdiction which territory comes in. Time was spend in these trivial matters. Oh! I forgot to mention about the discussions our National Security Advisor, Mr. M.K. Narayanan had with the U.S.A officials. He worked so hard to convince leaders and common man to support the N Deal. These terrorist attacks could have been avoided, if instead of discussing the N Deal, he would have paid attention to the warnings given to him. Do we still want to see a military man leading our country?
Will war with Pakistan will solve the internal loopholes we have? All those who demand war with Pakistan, should be send to schools and attendance should be made compulsory in the History classes. World War I and World War II, and Kargil conflict should be taught extensively and make them understand the consequences. P.P.T or Movie Maker should be used to show the visuals, and get all these situations grilled into their heads. Have people forgotten about the losses, the death of innocent people, the amount of arms and ammunition used, children and its horrible after effects - just to remind people of the child who survived from the American- Taliban war, he was standing on one leg and a stick. forgotten?
Will the civilians go and fight against Pakistan? Some suggest that military training should be made compulsory like in Korea and Singapore. Is it to discipline the youth? The attack on the elite, have forced them to go insane. To conclude, middle class is more sensible than the rich and educated dodos.


Jeremiah A V Dumai said...

I think war at this point will repeat this whole cycle of violence. These people say that they are taking revenge for Babri Masjid demolition, Gujarat carnage etc. Well, we can't justify terrorist attack on civilians, but we also need to think seriously where we have gone wrong, if at all we have gone wrong, and then make right policies.

tapti ghosh said...

I feel the 'right' policies are there but, we don't want to follow. Why we do not follow these policies because it is not according to our whims and wishes.We don't follow traffic rules etc.It is important to discipline ourselves first than point fingures at other. We have to go through some reality check and some self evaluation too.

Jeremiah A V Dumai said...

Right policies are there at different places. However, wrt to terrorism I wonder if we've really got things really right. Whether it's in the North East or the Naxalites menace or the Kashmir's 'freedom fighters' I have my doubts.
It goes like this: What the heck is the use of Chandrayan when people are fighting for food and land (Naxalites)? Are we getting our priorities right? What the heck is the use of arming armies and police with sophisticated weapons to fight the militants in NE when construction of railway would work far better in bridging the alienation that these people experience? Has the govt done enough research why these people fight for a separate nation? Won't investing in education work better in Kashmir than exporting RAW's effect to Baluchistan? I wonder if we are getting our policies right in these areas...

tapti ghosh said...

Surely, Jeremiah I agree with you. I crticise some of the policies that our government have formulated like the special Arms Act and others. For the time being I am not looking at those policies.It would be great if people follow basic laws of traffic, respect people who are checking your bags etc. These are very basic security checks that a citizen can abide for their nation.Taj was alerted about arms and ammunitions in the hotel but, they refused the Colaba police station to investigate... look what has happend. It is sad to say (but it is the truth)that GM of the hotel lost his family...

Jeremiah A V Dumai said...

Obeying traffic rules and stuffs are absolutely necessary... without such rules life would be much more difficult.